April 25, 2023

Racking and Storage Bin Fabrication for Manufacturing Plants
Manufacturing facilities utilize metal racks, containers, and bins to store product and move it through the plant. Manufacturing engineers analyze workflow and design custom racks for storing component parts and assemblies as they move through the manufacturing process. These engineers work closely with contract fabricators to build prototypes and finalize design. A well-designed metal rack or container can increase efficiency of the manufacturing process. Metal racks and containers also help protect parts and assemblies as they move through the plant.
Racks for Manufacturing Plants
Rack systems are utilized for various purposes. Metal racks can hold parts as they move through a painting process. They can also be used to transport parts from one process to another. Metal racks are often made with a wheel and caster system on the base or with openings for forklift transport. Depending on the need, metal racks can be fabricated from carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, or galvanized metal.
Metal Totes and Returnable Containers
Returnable totes and containers cut down on the cost of disposables. They are also much better for the environment. Metal totes are an uncomplicated way to store and transport parts through a plant. Wire mesh baskets can also be used for better ventilation or water and liquid evaporation. They are also lighter but might not be able to hold as much weight as a sheet metal tote or container.
Contract fabricators utilize 2D blueprints and engineering models to build racks and containers to specified tolerances. Once a manufacturing engineer finalizes the design, the prints and models can be sent to a fabricator to quote prototypes and production.